By I hate games - 18/08/2015 20:17 - United States - Belton

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me through charades. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 059
You deserved it 5 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe to her, your whole relationship was a charade...

"First word has two letters.... oh, you're acting like me.... oh first word is me! Okay, okay. You're jumping into something.... is it jump.... no, is it 'in'? Yeah? Oh, okay, second word is 'in'. Alright, you're crying.... tears? Me in tears? Oh yeah! Me in tears! I got it! Wait, why am I in tears? Babe, what's going on?"


Goblin182 26

That sucks, but you have to give her style points.

I would love to see this FML illustrated!

Did you at least guess it yourself or did someone have to yell it out to you?

that would have been extremely awkward and embarrassing if someone said it for you, but tbh I really am sorry thats terrible

This is terrible because I can see how it could make you feel like the whole relationship was a game.

koganti 18

how nice people break up....Geez only must save them