By HomicidalPegasus - 25/05/2014 15:50 - United States - Bethalto

Today, my girlfriend and I got into an argument while she was in the bathroom. I told her I was leaving her because she's too needy. She came out of the bathroom and threw her used tampon at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 274
You deserved it 36 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ilovemychem 22

Yuck, maybe shoulda waited till she came out

Guess it's a good thing you're out of the relationship then? That's disgusting.


The "bloody tampon" breakup . That's a new one!

I'd say YDI. You don't break up with someone through a bathroom door, full stop.

Revolting. Hopefully you did leave her.

I'm laughing so hard rn but that's disgusting !

squarecircles 13

Bloody awful way to end a relationship

Musicsthecure 8

I think this is officially my favorite fml.

Wow.. That is utterly disgusting! In the future when you ask yourself if you're sure you made the right decision just remember she threw a used tampon at you!

should of thrown it back. maybe u guys could of got a laugh out of it

I can't even think of imagining doing that to my boyfriend.