By Jim - 10/03/2011 18:09 - United States

Today, my friends told me that they couldn't make it to my birthday dinner unless I changed the time, because I'd made dinner reservations that would clash with the new episode of Jersey Shore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 656
You deserved it 9 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if only there was something that could record things for you to watch it later, OP u need better friends

They are not your real friends if they think some shitty reality show is more important


100% your fault , you need better friends

Well, GD, get some better friends. Obviously yours are stupid fags, especially if they're guys 'cause your name is Jim and I'm assuming you're applying guy friends, yeah? Unless all of your friends are girls, but either way if they refuse to go to a friend's birthday party because they'd rather be watching a stupid-ass show, then you need some new friends, yo.

moomoomeow2 7

Jersey Shore makes you so stupid that you don't know how to record it...

Get new friends now, before the stupid spreads to you.

you shouldnt be friends with people who are stupid enough to watch jersey shore

franwins0827 7

Wow, talk about stupid friends. Both for watching that stupid show and not wanting to miss it for your birthday.