By Jim - 10/03/2011 18:09 - United States

Today, my friends told me that they couldn't make it to my birthday dinner unless I changed the time, because I'd made dinner reservations that would clash with the new episode of Jersey Shore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 656
You deserved it 9 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if only there was something that could record things for you to watch it later, OP u need better friends

They are not your real friends if they think some shitty reality show is more important


LilToosh 0
jpmc808 1

Your friends are idiots. First, for putting a TV show over celebrating your birthday. Second, for liking Jersey Shore. That show sucks!

SlickWillyTFCF 5

You're friends actually like Jersey Shore, find more mature friends.

theresabiggi 0

Well. You can't mess with people watching jersey shore. It's important!

Get new friends now. Anyone who watches that show should be eviscerated.>.

Your friends are ridiculous. Record that shit...and yes that show is shit.

Jersey Shore is one of the reasons I wanna move out of New Jersey. -.- But yes, FYL and F that show.