By Stephanie - 14/07/2011 19:17 - United States

Today, my friends and I went to the park for some planking. Trying to find a daring spot, I climbed a tree and laid down on a branch. While I was waiting for my friends to take a picture, the branch gave out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 539
You deserved it 60 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

And that, my friends, is why planking is a stupid idea.

guitgod1 11

sigh....Planking needs to stop


SooShee 0

Planking is out... owling is in!

iMandyx3 5

idiots who has NO respect whatsoever. You know where planking comes from? SLAVERY. tsk tsk

a_nutritionist 10

...actually it comes from this country called australia, where your american history counts for nothing.

SaggyBoy135 0


You idiots must not even understand it.

epiikgangster11 2
Chibipanda 1

YDI for planking. Planking is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. Glad you got hurt for being a dumbass OP.

HA! that's what you get for being a follower and doing something stupid. planking is dumb and pointless

YDI for doing that dumbass planking crap, learn a real hobby