By Stephanie - 14/07/2011 19:17 - United States

Today, my friends and I went to the park for some planking. Trying to find a daring spot, I climbed a tree and laid down on a branch. While I was waiting for my friends to take a picture, the branch gave out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 539
You deserved it 60 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

And that, my friends, is why planking is a stupid idea.

guitgod1 11

sigh....Planking needs to stop


VKbay8 0

People who plank are ignorant af

joshua12927 0

Planking is ****** stupid, why would you do it in the first place?!

raqraqrawr 5

because they're stupid for doing something stupid.

nobody planks anymore... people perch now (not sure if its called that)

i think it's called 'owling' haha. But I agree, planking is so old.

learned new things today... 1) What planking is (Wikipedia does wonders!).. 2) That planking is the stupidest shit I've ever heard of..

SeedlessMe 13

I'll second that! ....Whatever happened to a good old game of SPUD?

Wta is the point of planking? Its so stupid! All because some moronic celeb started it yall gotta follow?

mongella 0

lol my fiance tried to plank on a flat topped pole until we found out the council made it bendable we would havve noticed if it wasnt so dark

Captain0bv10us 0

Cool story bro. Work on your grammar.

mongella 0

hahahaha i highly doubt you'd be saying that if you were in front of me. this is probably the only place you can be nasty to people cause they dont know who you are

mongella 0

why are you so fat an ugly get your photo off ur embarrasing yourself

Captain0bv10us 0
johnnybagodonuts 2

YES!!! YDI planking is so goddamn stupid

jacquay09 3

oh...I thought it meant "you dumb idiot" lol learned something new I guess.

a_nutritionist 10

so when faced with the options 'i agree, your life sucks' and 'you deserve it' you didnt get the hint, but somehow understood FYL?

you are why some people hate humanity