By doubleCoupon - 24/06/2014 18:38 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my friend excitedly told me about the number of guys who are romantically interested in her. I realized how pathetic my life is when all I could talk about in turn was the number of coupons I got to use today at the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 529
You deserved it 5 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you rather curl up on the couch alone, binge eating discounted snacks and binge watching Netflix, instead of wasting time with a boyfriend? I know I would.

Keep your head up. There's somebody for you.


ostfaiz 18

introduce the exchange offer with her.. boyz against coupons.. ;-)

the_Jessicaaa 11

Well at least u got a bargan

real beauties don't feel the need to brag ;) good job on saving money with you're coupons!

Girl I feel ya, take it in and except the fact that God is just making sure he finds the perfect man for you. Your friend has many exes do to the fact she's trying to rush her love life. You are a smart girl!

do not worry about it! everyone has someone special, maybe you haven't met him/her yet!

xR3cKl3sSx 12

Be glad your life is a lot more simpler lol

rachangie 19

For a zing only happens once in your life. :)

Relationships can be a lot of work and stress. I'd rather save money any day than having a ton of guys who'd just give me a headache. It's your win here in my opinion. Using coupons is a great skill to have!

I voted YDI because i hate extreme couponers.