By doubleCoupon - 24/06/2014 18:38 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my friend excitedly told me about the number of guys who are romantically interested in her. I realized how pathetic my life is when all I could talk about in turn was the number of coupons I got to use today at the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 529
You deserved it 5 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you rather curl up on the couch alone, binge eating discounted snacks and binge watching Netflix, instead of wasting time with a boyfriend? I know I would.

Keep your head up. There's somebody for you.


I think its better to know how to best use coupons than to be unable to keep your legs together.

She sounds like she is trying to show off in a sense. Some chicks like to play the one up game because they like to feel special, she is more than likely exaggerating.

avila_boy22 12

aww forever alone....jk op u'll find the one!

dinocyn 8

Pretty much my life right here.

Guys are always attracted to easy women. I wouldn't worry about it.

xxreikoxx 31

I'd rather save money alone than have a number of guys who aren't even my type take an interest in me. (The latter is kinda creepy...) Don't worry, OP! You'll find yours one day! :)