By doubleCoupon - 24/06/2014 18:38 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my friend excitedly told me about the number of guys who are romantically interested in her. I realized how pathetic my life is when all I could talk about in turn was the number of coupons I got to use today at the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 529
You deserved it 5 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you rather curl up on the couch alone, binge eating discounted snacks and binge watching Netflix, instead of wasting time with a boyfriend? I know I would.

Keep your head up. There's somebody for you.


SpongeTheBrain 0

I'd rather collect coupons than date though.I really am not meant for the relationship stuff plus coupons don't need emotional attachment like you need to have in a relationship.

But u can have hundreds of coupons so you're obviously the real winner

91hayek 31

And each coupon is probably for a value over twice as much the value of those guys.

Hey, if it makes you happy, stick with it. You'll find your guy :)

it does not matter if she is lying or she may jealous from you

mattmsk005 8

Her wallet is jealous of you.

rachangie 19

Who cares about having multiple men!?! Teach me your extreme coupon secrets! Why would she brag about dragging men on anyways? That's just a little too heartless sounding to me.

Siettadulce 21

Keep your head up OP, you'll find someone (: But as of right now, be proud of those coupons! Saving money is always a good thing.

Ten years from now, you'll be hearing from your friend how much married life sucks and you will be happy to be free.

Not necessarily. Obviously it's not for everyone, but a lot of people love married life. I don't like how so many people assume that marriage is such a terrible thing for everyone. I know absolutely loads of very happily married couples.

Well at least you stay life relevant. At least you are being smart and using your time to find and use coupons.

I get excited about the ability to use more than three coupons, you've got no problem at all!