By Lady_Luck - 25/03/2009 19:31 - United States

Today, my friend and I were filming football practice and talking about what guys on the team were attractive and who we would want to get it on with. We didn't realize that the camera was recording everything that we said. The tape was played to the entire team the next day. With sound. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 817
You deserved it 126 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

foamsinmouth 0

If you're filming the football practice how could you not know it was recording your voice as well? That's called stupidity. :P

Excellence 0

You idiots. Did you just assume that the camera would be polite and not eavesdrop on your conversation?



HAHAHHAHAHHAHAH. That should`ve been hilarious.

Ender_ 0

I always miss the good stuff in these comments. Grrrr. Epic Fail is an internet term just so you know #90 so you just totally ruined your argument that was previously stated. Alex_Vic (#91 and so on) owns you. hahahahhaha. Oh and to the OP, don't be so retarded next time HURRRRRR.

I get the impression this if fake as hell.

PSUraven 0

#21, youre probably the idiot OP's friend she was taping with

duh. she was too distracted by dick to think about silly things like mics on video cameras. like, totally, duh!!!! idiot. this is why cheerleaders get a bad wrap.

Dtedds 0

Stop being unattractive ****** and learn the true meaning of sex.

xxjessiicamarie 0

hahaha i did this as a manager once too. it's all good. the boys love it.

linacool15 0

So if this happened "today" and the tape was played "the next day" are you seeing into the future??? lol...this is why FML bugs me at times :P As for the story.......DESERVED