By Anonymous - 11/05/2009 03:28 - Canada

Today, my fiancé proposed to me at the movies. The movie stopped in the middle, and my fiancé stands up, takes out a microphone and announces to the entire theatre that he loves me. Right when he went on one knee, someone shouts, "Turn the movie back on!", and throws a cup of coke at my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 528
You deserved it 16 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zee209 0

Well, it is kind of rude to interrupt the movie for other people. I know I would get made if the movie I pair for suddenly stopped in the middle so some guy I don't know could propose.

wake_junkie 0

Who would even think of interrupting a movie to propose? Dumbest idea ever. Plus getting down on one knee in a movie theater? Ewwwwwwww. Those floors are nasty.


So if I said I wanted to propose at a Taylor Swift concert, you jerks wouldn't let me? You honestly can't give a person a few minutes of your life? You people are selfish

To #114 (dftba): No, it's not like pressing pause on a movie at home. It's like some stranger walking into your house and pressing pause on YOUR movie to show you something you may or may not be interested in, after you paid $10.50 to rent that movie plus whatever you paid for your snacks (also, keep in mind this is a movie you're pretty psyched about, seeing as how you paid so much to watch it). That would be a bit more accurate. If you welcome this sort of thing, good for you. But you're "way off the marker" if you expect anyone else to be so lax about inconsiderate interruptions to their entertainment. Disconnected from reality much?

i would have thrown more than the coke, maybe a nice big tub of buttery popcorn and a cherry slushie too. i'd be takin shit from the people around me to throw. what a ******* annoying couple, people didn't pay $20 to watch a movie just to have it interrupted with your ******* retarded proposal in the middle

ffpoisongirl 0

That was actually pretty obnoxious. People paid to see that movie.

ahahahaha, sorry-buts this is just too funny :D:D

Yea I'd be pissed if someone stopped the movie I was in for that BS!

notmuch 0

FYL for the coke. It wasn't your fault. You clearly didn't know what he was planning. And throwing an ice cold drink at someone is obnoxious. Also, FYL for such a stupid proposal. I'm very sorry your fiance came up with something like this. I'm just wondering, was he expecting you to sit through the rest of the movie after he popped the question? With you being all giddy and excited and wanting to tell everyone about it, while you had to sit still instead to not disturb all the other people who just wanted to enjoy the movie? And he thought a dark movie theater would be just the right place to put the ring on your finger? Where you would have to sit through the movie before you can really see it? He was not only inconsiderate of the other movie goers, but also of you. Unless the movie theater really has a special meaning to you both. Are you sure he's the one?

btw I was aiming at him and he owes me $4.73 for that coke!

You really need to move away from Philadelphia...