By Broken - 03/08/2010 12:11 - United Arab Emirates

Today, my fiancé invited his pregnant co-worker for dinner. After we finished eating, he sat down and explained to me that her kid is his and that he's been cheating on me with her for 5 months. She had a smile on her face during the entire thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 186
You deserved it 4 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

txgirl2013 14

I would have smacked her upside her head with a frying pan.


Thedrugslikeme2 0

punch her in the stomach so it'll be a dead baby! :P then rape her and kill him. that's the only way through this.

she should be glad she's pregnant. he's a f'ing prick having you sit through dinner with her only to end with that. that was a convo he should've had with you in private. ugh! i'm so sorry you had to go through that.

Omfg I'm sorry you shoulda shot them both

damm tht sucks he had to bring her too, he just should of told u, he didn't have to bring the bitch along lol

and u just looked at him!!! blood would have been ever where!!! beat his ass for bring her there and beat her ass for that dumb ass smile!!!


if I were you I'd tell them both to get out and say that I spit and farted in the chicks food ^-^ sorry op fyl!

iansmommy 0

she must be smiling cause she is just so proud of her **** status. OP hope you gave your fiance a swift kick in the nuts and his ring back :)

JokeMeister 0

You're lucky YOU weren't the one about to have a baby with a confirmed CHEATER, right?!!