By me - 02/03/2011 23:21 - United States

Today, my fiancé and I had a fight over household expenses. He's never had a job in his life, but this didn't stop him demanding that I get another full-time job to pay for video games and beer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 691
You deserved it 56 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sparkiee93 3

Don't put up with that shit OP, dump his lazy ass!


This is why you don't date Nathan Schut

Leave him simple ass that, u prolly bought ur own comprise ring:0

And your with him because? I'm sorry to say it but he sees you as nothing but a meal ticket. If you think he's gonna get a job once your married your wrong he has you working to support him why would he give that up? If you don't get out now your gonna end up miserable.

and you picked him.....says a lot about you

leedivinchi 0

How do you plan to marry a man with no money? it'll ruin your marriage when he can't support you on a time of need! Video games will ruin his life, good thing he has two more: </3 <3 <3 (video game joke!)

ctlnaaia71 8

If I was you I wouldn't say my fiance, instead I would say my EX! Kick his lazy ass out of your life!

stroudie94 9

I'm sure you love him and all which is great, but you deserve it for letting yourself fall in love with a man that has no job and sits on his lazy butt all day playing games.