By suze44 - 13/06/2011 14:22 - United States

Today, my father decided to "prepare" me for the real world by telling me that I'm ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 823
You deserved it 5 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him "Well I guess it runs in the family then, huh?"

Oh my god! What a dick! Where does he think you "got it" from!!


fyl11122233 0

him or your mother must be ugly then... you did get your genes from THEM.

Wow, I'm sorry. And he is preparing you for a world of mean

Wow, I'm sorry. He is preparing you for a world of mean, including himself. One day you'll be able to flaunt your happy life, because you learned how to brush off the bad. Best of luck!

what an asshole lol kick him in the balls haha

SuperBeatDown 0

hahahahahahahahahahaha, i know its mean, but the way i imagine it is funny....gosh... i guess the world is cruel....

KLern 0

...are you??? haha that's really funny, sad, but probably funnier than anything...