By suze44 - 13/06/2011 14:22 - United States

Today, my father decided to "prepare" me for the real world by telling me that I'm ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 823
You deserved it 5 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him "Well I guess it runs in the family then, huh?"

Oh my god! What a dick! Where does he think you "got it" from!!


grafixxx687 0
Bekeliyr 10

Well, at least he was telling the truth. And it doesn't hurt to know ahead of time so you know how to fix yourself!

Did it ever cross your mind that maybe he was preparing you for "the real world", not by his words, but by example? Whether his statement is true is irrelevant - the lesson was to not let statements like that get to you. That you complained about it just proved that you're not.

thewhitehowler 0

hey at least you know now.... not that ur ugly darlin, just that ur dad's a dick

Screw him sweetie. it's what's on the inside that counts. Beauty is only skin deep.

chanta24 10

no one deserves to be judjed by appearance, if you are nice, then you are beautiful :) your dad needs to get a life

You know, most of the time, I look kind of like a fighter, almost threatening, but a little grooming and I clean up nice. I look civilized. For a girl, makeup can do wonders. Just a little, not a lot. Try to go for the natural look, OP.

ThatSoAmaZingDee 0

you should get a makeover hit the clubs and party till you find yourself attractive...seems to work just fine for snooky...oh wait nope it doesn't.sorry.

When you become an adult, you'll find that your looks become less and less important to the people around you. But some people are ugly on the inside, and that will affect them for the rest of their lives.

that's kinda not true, research shows that attractive people are more likable, on average have a higher salary, have to do less for it, and are happier FYI

Being "attractive" isn't 100% based on appearance. Personalities play a huge role.

That's only because attractive people tend to be more confident.

Not true. I've seen incredibly insecure attractive people, and incredibly confident "ugly" (or at the very least, awkwardly unique) people. There are more of those than you think.

Yeah, my point is these are adults (and some teenagers) I'm talking about. Appearance matters no matter how old you are. If you're insecure, you're more than likely always going to be insecure even in adulthood. You're still going to care about how you look, sometimes to an unnecessary degree. TL;DR: Age doesn't matter and doesn't make a difference.