By forgottendaughter - 17/01/2010 14:41 - South Africa

Today, my father asked me to never contact him again. The reason? His "new" family doesn't know I exist and explaining that he has a 28 year-old daughter to his wife and his other children would be "awkward". I have siblings that I will never meet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 893
You deserved it 2 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him that he can't contact you either because it would be awkward explaining to your new dad.


TBH i would just do some research find out where he lives and just go for a visit. Don't all kids come and visit without notice :D

gatorgrl1988 0

yo **** your dads life. u don't need him.

girlygirl666 0

Um, yeah. I'm pretty sure in this whole big world we live in, that something like this just may have happened once or twice before, Sherlock.

perdix 29

I'm sorry. That sounds awful. I hate to say it, but you are better off with no dad than that bliksem fokken doos! Maybe you ought to go drink yourself motherless. ;)

definetly show up. what kind of dad is that to tell you that. show up on his birthday to make it even better

Floydaholic 0

You should contact him anyway! What sort of father is he?!

I agree with everyone else. You should definitely go see him or contact his wife and/or kids (depending how old they are). He is the one who decided to leave and abandon his family and child so who cares if it is 'awkward' for him? He needs to deal with the difficulties and emotional consequences of his actions. There is no reason you should have to bear all of the burden of this, when you didn't cause it, and let him be comfortable in his new life getting off scot-free! Show up, make it 'awkward'!

Become best mates with his stepkids. It'll drive him nuts.

slaveowner190461 0

well screw him now u can blackmail him say ul show up to his house with pics and a birth certificate if he doesnt send you money every week