By ckatia - 30/08/2016 09:29 - France - Paris

Today, my eyesight is getting terrible. I saw a white cat in front of my house, so I went up to it. To my delight it didn’t move, so I bent down to stroke it. Wrong call, it was a plastic bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 759
You deserved it 2 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Own it like you're awesome and you know it. Take a sharpie and draw a cat's face on it, sit down on the ground and pet the kitty. Be sure to meow in reply to yourself for bonus points!

takeittoem 8

At least it wasn't a porcupine or a skunk....


You could have pretended that you simply being environmentally friendly and picked it up, but nope, you just had to out yourself the world here :P

Druu 53

This is how my parents discovered that I needed glasses. As a child, I pointed out a black cat, which was actually a bag of garbage.

i did that was pitch black in our back yard thought it was piggy our cat...nope it was a possum...

This is about as good as I get at finding pussy

species4872 19

BREAKING NEWS Man finds new species of cat, Astounds scientific community. Neighbor claims hoax; It just looks like a plastic bag to me, says neighbor, Although I can't explain why it started purring when I got closer. Scientists at the Institute for advanced Feline studies say that we may very well have a new species apparently with an uncanny ability for camouflage. More details at eleven plus sport and weather.

how stupid are you... Little Dumbfucking Twat Sucker

At least it wasn't a sewer rat like in Adventures in Babysitting

Please, for the love of god, have someone drive you to an optometrist and refrain from using heavy machinery!

If you cant tell a cat from a plastic bag while standing right next to it then I'd say you're legally blind. What I dont get is how are you even able to see to post on fml??