By Anonymous - 31/12/2014 03:34 - United States - Blacksburg

Today, my elderly neighbour told me why my other neighbours don't talk to me. I'm a massage/physical therapist and treat clients, mostly athletes, in my home. My neighbours saw the steady stream of young, buff guys coming to my house and concluded that I'm a gay prostitute. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 036
You deserved it 3 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you really were a prostitute it wouldn't be the young, buff and attractive guys seeking your service.

Well now you know how to increase your income.


middlenamefrank 8

Seems like a fairly easy problem to solve. Tour the neighborhood, introduce yourself, give them a business card and tell them that if they know anybody that needs PT, you're available. Open a conversation with the neighbors and maybe even get some new business.

What kind of guy wants to be massaged by another dude anyway?? I really wonder about this thing.

Probably the ones who are there for relief for their aches and pains instead of for a potential hard-on from some woman who's just doing her job?

# massage therapist problems!!! I found this funny because I've been asked for "the happy ending" to a massage. I told him, "Yes, it's when u get off my table, pay for ur appointment & NEVER come back!"

bsums203 13

Time to have a chat with the neighbors to clarify things.

They're not worth talking to if they think that without knowing you anyways.

shiny_shipper 28

That's pretty unfortunate...FYL

life_smh 15

I'll happily take your job any day.