By Anonymous - 31/12/2014 03:34 - United States - Blacksburg

Today, my elderly neighbour told me why my other neighbours don't talk to me. I'm a massage/physical therapist and treat clients, mostly athletes, in my home. My neighbours saw the steady stream of young, buff guys coming to my house and concluded that I'm a gay prostitute. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 035
You deserved it 3 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you really were a prostitute it wouldn't be the young, buff and attractive guys seeking your service.

Well now you know how to increase your income.


Well at least you're not wasting your time talking to judgmental people.

Seems like a rational conclusion... Hahahaha not. People are ridiculous

Maybe It's a good idea talking to them? :/

Business must be good if it's a steady clientele. Good on you and don't mind them.

StormGirl142 24

That's extremely unfortunate. My neighbors think we're drug dealers because my husband leaves every night. I guess they just choose to overlook the work uniform. People are idiots, and will believe even the most ridiculous rumors. **** it, and make your money.

Our dog yelps every time someone leaves the house and the neighbors have begun to think we're animal abusers.

Next time you see your neighbor give him a wink and a kiss. ?

Your neighbors are idiots. Buff, young gay men don't generally pay for it.

Sometimes ya have to wonder why some neighbours get in people's personal lives and come up with crazy accusations. Also it seems like your neighbourhood is really homophobic which is kind of weird this day in age, well in the part of Canada I'm from it is anyway