By sorry :/ - 08/02/2015 18:28 - United States - Monroe Township

Today, my drunk mom told me to apologize for being born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 069
You deserved it 3 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her to apologize for being a useless ungrateful mother.

"Yeah, I am sorry. Sorry that I had to be born to a selfish mother."


allyiscute1 22

Did you?.-. I mean drunks tend to insist and that can get annoying lol

i feel your pain. she doesnt mean it. i promise you that. if sje ever asks you to forgive her, do it. you may not get to the next day. stay strong and talk with her. i know its hard but you have to be strong for her if you want her in your life. i dont have mine now. but i forgave her for the things she has said and that guilt wont follow me. trust me on this op. good luck.

none of these commenters know what they are talking about....yes it was horrible thing to say. but everyone has their own problems and their own way of dealing with them. no its not right but it cant be undone. and she is not a terrible mother. there are way worse people than his or her mother.

toxicpinkcandy 10

she needs to take ownership of how HER life turned out. it's not your fault and she needs to learn to stop blaming others and take a closer look at herself.

"I'm sorry you couldn't keep your legs closed."

Obviously not your fault, OP. If she doesn't remember this the next day, you have a choice of whether to pretend it didn't happen or confront her and let her know that her drinking is leading to her being incredibly hurtful. Good luck.

"What doesn't kill you... Better f$@@&in' run!

CaptainCore993 19

And you actually apologized? Should have said a nice comeback.

"Not until you apologize for having sex with my father that caused me to be born. Oh, and while we're at it, apologize for being a ****."