By byegeorge - 17/08/2012 11:26 - United Kingdom - Hounslow

Today, my dog was run over. The man who ran over my dog was taking his own dog to the emergency vet. As the man awkwardly tried to apologise to me, he said, "Think of the irony". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 868
You deserved it 1 984

Same thing different taste


SpearD 4

Your life may suck, but look at it this way, you can get another dog, and raise it yourself. It won't be the same, but you have to move on. Or you can just say "Hey, sh*t happens" and be done with it. Sorry about your dog though.

at least he stopped instead of just kept going...

Well at least he was sorry. When my dog was run over by a car 4 years ago the driver just left and never came back. Luckily a neighbor had heard what had happened and quickly took us to the nearest vet.

missadoodikins 9

The irony of him having to pay 2 emergency vet bills.

This is from Bo Burnham's irony song.

Here is something very philosophical, i just can't put my finger on it