By thanatophobia - 15/03/2010 00:20 - France

Today, my deranged coworker sent me a text message containing a picture that she just took of her uncle. It was at his funeral. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 028
You deserved it 2 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why did u give her/him your number??

thoughtcrimeno1 0

judging from some of these posts i assume that it has become perfectly acceptable to: 1) insult the departed by circulating pictures of their lifeless bodies to strangers that could care less and 2) shrug off said picture without a second thought about the sender's sanity. you can just delete the pic, but not "unsee what has been seen."


ashcracklol 0
samuel426 0

WTF? how is this an fml? there's nothing ruining your day at all by this...

face_crime 0

when you work in long-term care dead bodies aren't a big deal anymore... but this is very disrespectful to the deceased. i wouldn't take a picture of my dead relative and send it to just anybody. i don't know if it's a **** my life, just very, very unusual o_O

thoughtcrimeno1 0

we should date. you know, socially, quiet kicking.

perdix 29

The worst part was that it was labeled EPIC FAIL.