By FirstDaddy - 16/06/2014 21:38 - United States - Southfield

Today, my daughter told me that she liked her "other daddy" better. I don't know who's she talking about, but my wife is doing a good job telling her to be quiet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 275
You deserved it 4 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That´s no problem. You know. Kids are easy to bribe.


Divorce and see what can be done about custody of your daughter... Or just hope she means grandpa

jnugzzz 6

Am I the only one that thinks the daughter could just be saying that? When I was a kid I probably would have said something like that to annoy my dad, but my mom definitely never cheated on my dad, and even if she were to, I would not have met him. Kids sometimes say things without knowing what it really means

I agree! today my son declared that he was really me and I was him!!! if I believed him right away who knows where I would be right now!

Time to ditch the Bitch, Unless you're daughter is lying to piss you off.

There are special therapists that can talk to kids and tell you if they have been coached to say things. Make your daughter an appointment, either something is going on and you need to get in front of it or she made it up and you need to find out why. Either way don't leave this hanging and make your daughter the top priority.

Could just be an uncle friend of family.?? Kids know how to play too could be nobody but a g but sit your old lady down and ask her wtf she knows about this she could be training the child to say that did you piss her off lately lie maybe karma sucks

juturnaamo 29

I was thinking about this too. If her friend or cousin that she spends a lot of time with calls their father daddy, she might think that's his name/title.

That was my first thought. My little cousin called most of her older family members "momma" or "daddy" at some point when she was really small. It didn't mean anything.

hella_chan 10