By FirstDaddy - 16/06/2014 21:38 - United States - Southfield

Today, my daughter told me that she liked her "other daddy" better. I don't know who's she talking about, but my wife is doing a good job telling her to be quiet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 275
You deserved it 4 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That´s no problem. You know. Kids are easy to bribe.


vb68_fml 28

Dont know what age is your daughter? If she's young it can be an imaginary dad. Lots of kids have imaginary friends..let's hope for the best...

dannnngthatsux 19

Then wouldn't the wife say 'Not funny sweetie, explain to daddy how you only have one daddy...' Something besides shushing her? More info OP.

"I don't know who's she talking about" = "I don't know who is she talking about." I'm pretty sure that's not right.

maybe your daughter is making it up, or they are just playing a mean prank on you?

maybe she calls her boyfriend "daddy" too, if she has one.

Aw man :/ tears for you. i'm so sorry to hear that. but i'm just gonna say, getting back at her won't do a thing. if it' not working out, break up and move on, but only after you've sat down and tried your best to right this wrong. all the best, man

You know what they say about hammed "Push" doors: Pull harder!

icepick23 12

Sounds like your wife could use a Twix or seven

xo_autumn_rose 6
dannnngthatsux 19

Uh, guys. Did no one think about how mom reacted? If it were the kid being weird wouldn't mom say 'we don't say nasty things like that, especially when they are not true'? If that's the whole story, it stinks, get your daughter out NOW!

fancyrf0709 4

That's ****** man. I'm sorry. Ask your daughter about the guy. She should tell you.