By badplannning - 30/11/2015 04:55 - United States - Naperville

Today, my date suggested we go to 10:30 p.m. movie so we could "talk" in the car afterwards, when the parking lot was empty. Thus, at 1 a.m., I thought we were going to make out. However, he only asked where I get my car air freshener from, had me write down the scent, and then suggested we go home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 375
You deserved it 2 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like he got too nervous to make a move. Or he's really into air fresheners.


I wonder if that was his plan from the beginning..

A girl chooses to go with a guy to the very last showing of the movie and he doesn't make any moves you need to buy him the book making out for dummies

thatguy240 27

That was not what I thought was going to happen...

Oh my goodness, I read "date" as "dad", got to "making out" and started freaking out XD