By libraries are a girl's best friend - 19/07/2013 21:53 - United States - Elizabethtown

Today, my dad grounded me for swearing, after I read a funny comment on Youtube to my sister. The supposed swear word? "YOLO." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 944
You deserved it 35 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As far as I'm concerned, that is a swear word. Lol

Saying yolo is worse than saying a swear word.


Panda_Shy_Haven 17

I don't see the problem here

Musicsthecure 8

Honestly, he should have shot you for saying that.

That's right he should've smacked you upside the head. Some people's kids these days "You Obviously Lack Originality" a whole generation of followers

In my opinion I think YOLO is sorta good, it's just that kids go an **** up the meaning.

He didn't ground you for swearing. He grounded you because you are acting like an idiot.

hazardmuffin 21

Having a sense of humor of some sort makes someone an idiot?

Tbh i reli hate that Word as well:) go dad go

And I really hate people who can't spell.

YOLO this YOLO that. Even YOLO clothing. Makes me want to punch them in the gut.

you have two heads, so my argument is invalid

GetOffMyLevel 8