By mackenzie_cain - 14/01/2010 05:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend went to jail for a DUI. In a panic, I rushed to go bail him out. On the way to the jail I was stopped for running a red light. I soon joined my boyfriend in jail with my very own DUI charge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 436
You deserved it 65 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dont think "hey... he just got thrown in jail for drinking and driving, so maybe i should call a cab or maybe not speed or do something stupid to get pulled over since i am drunk and am going to drive"? YDI for being a moron


Shady_R 0

I hope you both lose your liscence, your cars and your homes in your upcoming legal fight. Drinking and driving is INCREDIBLY stupid and the same as opening fire in a crowded room. Someone could have been killed and it would unfortunately probably not been you but rather the mother of two in the mini van you hit. YDI

blinkmeplease182 0
hightower64 0

You don't get bailed out of jail for DUIs, you are released after a set period.

Not true, you can be bailed out for a DUI. I had a friend who was drunk, crashed his car into a tree, got arrested, and then got bailed out by another friend of mine. I think it's dependent on the laws of the state you are in.

ClapYourHands 0

@fantomix -- they definitely don't have to be in an accident to get arrested. if you're swerving around or running stop signs

Wow - that's just stupid. But I suppose that's all that can be expected of someone who is unaware that 'I' is spelled with a capital letter. Your post makes my eyes bleed.

DUI's are issued for driving while under ANY influence--not just alcohol. It's possible OP was high on something.

your mom should've aborted you when she had the chance.

grimmelok 0

As soon as I read this I thought to myself, "Why do I feel like the OP is probably from some hick town?" I was right. I'm not surprised at all.

Idiot!!! Don't drink and drive!!!!!!!!!! Instead of FML you should be greatful the cops busted your boyfriend and you before either one of you killed an innocent person!!