By lolatmylife - 22/08/2014 06:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend sent me pictures of him and his family on their trip in Florida. He accidentally included a picture of a girl sleeping in his bed, naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 910
You deserved it 4 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you should accidentally break up with him

Pretend like you didn't see it, then take the time to plot your revenge


Chente_313 15

In this generation, the good girls get hurt.

Oh please. There's plenty of good guys that get their hearts put in a blender by soul sucking she-devils.

skittyskatbrat 19

Facebook post with picture and a congratulations on his new girlfriend ;-) Wish him luck on the long-distance relationship, tell him that if he wanted to break up, he should have been man enough to say you'll say it for him. Everyone knows exactly why you dumped him and he gets it rubbed in his face that he threw away what was in front of him for a fling with some chick far away. Be really glad you found out before he got home; if he's sleeping with random women he just met, god only knows what he'd catch and pass on to you!

It's possible she wasn't random or far away. He may of been with her awhile and decided to take her on vacation.

then she could be sued for spreading the picture of a girl that was unaware of a picture being taken. The naked girl should sue the boyfriend and the girlfriend should break up with him

That's a FHL as well since I assume you'll be dumping his ass.

Seriously? Ban't even be faithful to you for a small trip? Not worth it

Brake up with him and move on. Nothing hurts as much as someone who doesn't care.