By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 10:41 - Singapore

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years proposed to me. I wasn't expecting anything too romantic, but I would have liked something more than an email from Facebook, requesting my confirmation that we were engaged. FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 638
You deserved it 7 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Comicmischief 0

The internet has taken over.

Oh wow. FYL. that's almost worse then being dumped via facebook, although I'm not sure. a lot of people are going to say ydi because you chose to date him in the first place... But I don't think anyone deserves facebook relationship status changes before real life relationship changes...


rkowatch 0

okay in my opinion... not an fml... whereas i am a guy that feels a great deal of emotion should be put into somethign like this... it might also be that he has a hard time with such things. be happy that he wants to spend his life with you, and i bet years down the road when your married, you both might laugh a little about this (the fml posting mostly)

OP: That is just sad. Two words: request denied. I'm sure someone else has already said this, but still. I'd click "no" now and kick his ass later.

sadly that is revolution... all those tradition are slowly being taken over by people not caring.

i kinda agree with #173, but still modern electronics dont take over everything

My boyfriend (of 2 1/2 yrs) asked me out that way... But I would think that someone would warm up enough after 4 yrs of dating to ask that in person.

warpedtourgurl 0

Damn thats a horrible proposal.


... Definitely not an FML. Or a YDI. That's just silly. I mean, you're freaking engaged now! That's amazing! Just enjoy it, and now you have a funny story for your kids.

FYL. If it makes you feel better, my parents have been happily marries for 24 years and my dad proposed over the phone while recounting his total debts.

"Today, I was trying to be funny and changed my relationship status from "in a relationship" to "engaged" because my girlfriend kept nagging about us getting married. She thought I was serious, now were engaged... FML"