By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 10:41 - Singapore

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years proposed to me. I wasn't expecting anything too romantic, but I would have liked something more than an email from Facebook, requesting my confirmation that we were engaged. FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 637
You deserved it 7 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Comicmischief 0

The internet has taken over.

Oh wow. FYL. that's almost worse then being dumped via facebook, although I'm not sure. a lot of people are going to say ydi because you chose to date him in the first place... But I don't think anyone deserves facebook relationship status changes before real life relationship changes...


kellster 2

What the hell!!! He couldn't ask you to your face?! That's NOT asking too much!

Sabino_Girl 0
Nomad609 0

It might not be a proposal, don't be too assuming. Some people change their status to engaged for nothing. they just think its sweet.

Clumsychelsea 0

Dump him. I would do it on facebook too, just so he can get a taste of his own medicine.

lolzforfun228 3

... Oh im sorry i must have missed the fml here *checks again* oh wait THERE ISNT ONE! STOP CRYIN OVER IT!

MsMegaroo 0 boyfriend did that when i was 14 but that was just cuz he wanted to have sex with me...

Congratulations! That's still pretty bad, though.

i think thast acually really cute. not that i would want that, but i think its original, and although he cannot see your face, its still slightly romantic. at least it was a surprise

Look up lazy on After reading the defenition it'll show you an example, you might wonder what that example would be: Your boyfriend asking you to confirm your engagment over a facebook message. P.S. douche move on his part