By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 10:41 - Singapore

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years proposed to me. I wasn't expecting anything too romantic, but I would have liked something more than an email from Facebook, requesting my confirmation that we were engaged. FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 638
You deserved it 7 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Comicmischief 0

The internet has taken over.

Oh wow. FYL. that's almost worse then being dumped via facebook, although I'm not sure. a lot of people are going to say ydi because you chose to date him in the first place... But I don't think anyone deserves facebook relationship status changes before real life relationship changes...


at least you're being proposed to, be happy.

blahblahblah43 0

the internet is taking over. congrats, though :)

zoo_fml 0

thats actually kinda cute lol & congrats!

lemmie guess he also sent you an attached picture of a print out ring?

For everyone saying that she would be a brat to say no: A proposal is meant to be something you remember your whole life making your heart pound. It should show that the guy is ready to make sacrifices. She deserves something better. If he really cared he would put some effort into it. I'm not saying he needs to get down on one knee or even buy her a ring. Just do something nice. FYL. If he really loves you he'll try again in a better way.

I think that's cute and funny. I know a lot of girls that would be thrilled. Not an FML. If you're so tech illiterate that you didn't see something like this coming, FHL for being with someone so incompatible with his interests.

#166 You obviously have no idea what physical contact is.

YDI for having high expectations! :P lol jk.

Horurerukul 0

Be happy you're engaged oh, and congratulations :)

#45 and 48; you're sexist assholes. And you gotta admit, it's kinda cute!