By ahhh - 03/08/2015 06:06 - United States - Northbrook

Today, my boyfriend of 2 months and I had sex for the first time last night. This afternoon he texted me saying, "I had an amazing night with you yesterday." Following that text he said, "I forgot to tell you I have an STD." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 940
You deserved it 7 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a dirt bag moves on his part. Hopefully you used protection OP. Get to a Doctor as soon as possible to get checked!!!

I'm hoping you wore protection, but I'm guessing you didn't


itssohapi 15

Hopefully he's your ex boyfriend now.

btw in the state of Ohio, that is illegal.

Kapj 14

That could be considered assault with a deadly weapon

dump his sorry ass for being so inconsiderate

"my boyfriend of 2 months". didnt knew u could've sex with a baby

tiredofwaiting 25

I hope you used protection.

I'm pretty sure that's illegal. You can probably go speak to the police or something. You legally have to tell someone, that's your life too.

I would have put him quarantine zone.

shepardkinz 19

How do you just forget to tell someone that? So sorry, OP. FYL and I hope you seriously reconsider this relationship!