By hairy - 08/03/2012 14:30 - Serbia

Today, my boyfriend dumped me. Apparently, my nose hair scares him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 524
You deserved it 13 801

Same thing different taste


if he really liked u it wouldnt matter if you had alot of nose hair. i learned that you need nose hair or you would get constant nose bleeds

Why do women always say this shit? If he really liked you it wouldn't matter what physical or mental defects you have apparently. Quite an easy way to just villify someone when you can't just face up to the reality.

Your picture is forever alone... Coincidence? I think not...

ipwnallmen 10

If it's like very thin strands rope swaying to and fro from your nostrils, then yes, trim, cut, wax, whatever, but how curiously enough how long was it for him to act like that? were there bats clinging to it too?

Mango_Splash803 1

Hahaha XD sorry but that's funny. How long is your nose hair O_O

Probably scratches the top of his wenis when you go down on him. Seriously though I once got dropped because I came too loudly.

Scratches his wenis when giving a ********? Considering your wenis is the skin on your elbow she has got to have some World Records locked down.

SaMmIMonster96 6

76- your "bro" is a chick. If you are trying to be cool, use some word other than bro.. Please. :)

tmi indeed, nty. and sounds like you dodged a bullet there op

krnpanda 2

So does your leg hair, does that mean you dont shave that either?

cece41225 0

That's stupid u should've told him that his toe is ugly always works!!just kidding but seriously that's rude

How do you not deserve this? A little personal maintenance..

He's probably just a jerk that wanted to leave you for other reasons but gave you some bs reason to make you feel bad. Hes just immature and childish. I'm sure you could do better