By hairy - 08/03/2012 14:30 - Serbia

Today, my boyfriend dumped me. Apparently, my nose hair scares him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 524
You deserved it 13 801

Same thing different taste


rollingoffacliff 1

sorry, but i've done the exact same thing an x had nose hairs that where hanging out nearly to her upper lip and she wouldnt trim it down so we split. Just hard to kiss someone thats got more hair than you do.

just dont tell him that its your moustache

Hey, it can get pretty wild up there! But that's certainly not a valid reason to end a relationship...

Dflips 0

FYL for having that much nose hair

wfshelbs 1

He's probably a freak dont worry about it

I'm a dude and that would have grossed me out too. Keeping EVERYTHING trimmed is important to guys. If you know what I mean.

frannybob15 0

If you were my gf I would never dump you ,I mean I love brading nose hairs