By hairy - 08/03/2012 14:30 - Serbia

Today, my boyfriend dumped me. Apparently, my nose hair scares him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 524
You deserved it 13 801

Same thing different taste


GurTeddyBear 0

There are ways to maintain nose hair, but if he's willing to break up with her for what is in the end such a silly reason, the relationship is unlikely to work out. In the interest of full disclosure, though, my husband does get the occasional nose hair and when he plucks, it's kind of gross.

vicgeo92 4

Pluck. And you probably don't want someone who gets bothered by such a slight nuisance.

mrkp 14

Then get rid of it... or don't. It's what makes YOU happy that matters! If you love having (apparently) terrifying nose hair, then that's just great.

He was probably looking for an excuse to break up with you. FYL though OP