By confidence taken - 23/08/2014 06:26 - United States - Bay Springs

Today, my boyfriend called me in tears, convinced that he found me in a porn video online. It wasn't me. And when I finally got him to give me the web address, I too started crying at the realization of how fat he thinks I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 014
You deserved it 5 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He still finds you beautiful and attractive, though.

Maybe he assumed you lost weight since filming the video? :)


Not sure if this helps, but... When he gave you the video's address, was it a full URL or the actual name of the video? Because if it was the first, it might have been the wrong URL.

So it's ok for him to objectify other women as long as it's not you?

It's more likely that he was worried that she didn't consent to be filmed/was revenge porned.

Weren't you upset that he was watching **** even though he has a girlfriend?

Why would it matter if he watches **** and has a girlfriend?

Most girls wouldn't care that their boyfriend watches **** unless they're either extremely insecure or just ridiculously high maintenance.

I used to watch **** with my girlfriend, some girls don't care if their guy watches ****

rocker_chick23 27

#27: No it doesn't bother me that the OP's boyfriend watches ****. Only women who are bothered by it, are insecure morons who think watching **** is the same as cheating.

The "only insecure and/ or high maintenance woman" thing is not necessarily true, nor does it make her a moron. There could be many reasons why she feels that way. Maybe her SO watched more **** than being physical with her, maybe it is against her moral or religious beliefs. What makes it right for anyone else to judge her? I, personally, am sure my boyfriend watches it, but I choose the ignorance is bliss. I don't want to watch it because I get bored by it 3 minutes in.

Merylwen 24

Some people find that sick and immoral without necessarily being insecure. I would just generally not accept my boyfriend masturbating at other people. Neither would he. We would consider it cheating. But hey, different relationships = different values and expectations, I guess.

I'm not comfortable with the idea of my boyfriend masterbating to other people. That is just my opinion. In no way does that make me a moron. I don't appreciate that at all. I am not insecure or high maintainance, I'm just entitled to my own likes and dislikes in my relationship. My boyfriend agrees and would feel the same way if the situation were reversed. People have different kind of relationships. Don't ******* put other people down because their relationship isn't like yours.

No that does make you a moron humans are sexual by nature and you really don't want to make him feel like he is doing something wrong, if I was your BF I would GTFO as soon as possible because we all have desires and needs to fufil and if your not doing it I will

True..I rather that my boyfriend not watch ****, but I know he has needs and ignorance is definitely bliss. However, I would get mad if my boyfriend was watching it while I was over.

lifeofpie25 16

can you share the Web address with us

Haha I scrolled through the comments just to find someone who would say this xD

At least he cared enough to call you instead of just assuming things

Well if he was watching fat girl ****, it would appear then that he gets off to fat women. So, hey! him thinking you're fat has actually helped your sex life!

why do people gotta hate on the comment? he's just looking at the bright side lol

I've experienced this though my ex was not so nice about it. I had to admit the chick and I did resemble each other quite a bit but it took a lot of convincing to get him to believe it wasn't me.

What if it was a video when you were drunk yrs ago and don't remember. I hope you two can work things out and have a happy life together.