By bunnyyy - 07/01/2011 08:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me via text message. You would think he could at least spell my name right while ending our relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 535
You deserved it 3 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

annadorkable 0


To me if my bf rather watch **** than have sex with me is kinda hurtful.

Dranskee 0

I'd rather f*ck ur brains out, than watch ****. I'd have more fun with u anyway! ;)

FYL. You should just be happy it's over... :s

12 original thoughts are tough for some people 32 you're right. we are all a-holes and women are totally blameless. if he doesn't wanna have sex with you, find a guy who does. Women get so hurt when a guy doesn't care about them. Yeah you feel used, but learn your lesson and find someone more worthy...well that's my Dr. Phil speach for the day. Peace and chicken grease

chuck_yams 0

Huh, never heard chicken grease before. Well done.

so, by chance, did he spell your name "b-i-t-c-h"? either way, ol' dude sounds like a retard, and you should likely not fret. |the kid|

Awwww that sucks u will find someone better

maybe it was the auto correct on his phone.

Cjmw 7

Ok, that's bad if your name is like "Roxy" or soemthing short. But if your name is long like "Catherine" calm the hell down. Your life is not ******, you got rid of a guy who couldn't spell/couldn't spell your name/made a text mistake.