By bunnyyy - 07/01/2011 08:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me via text message. You would think he could at least spell my name right while ending our relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 536
You deserved it 3 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

annadorkable 0


ever thought maybe it was autocorrected by his phone?

He's breaking up with you, why would he care about spelling your name right?

It really doesn't matter if he called you Peter Cottontail because you need to hop your ass to the curb. You've been served beeyotch!!

Wow, I don't think I've ever witnessed someone saying that last statement in grammatically correct terms. Usually it's "U got serrrrrrved!!!1!" Well done, old chap.

chuck_yams 0

Yes, although I'm pretty sure it's spelled BIAAAAATCH!!!! With an I. oh, maybe a one mixed in with the exclamation marks. DAMMIT, there goes my inner grammar Nazi again. Sorry.

Ouch. How long were you guys together? Regardless, breaking up with someone over text is a douche move. Forget him!

I don't think it's a douche move. I'd rather be broken up with via text than in person

I have to assume your name is Vkeiajnkalatuvisz or something and "Bunnyyy" is just a nickname. You can't blame the guy for misspelling that shit.

massie21492 0

thats how u noe at he's not worth it and u can find some 1 btter

You can find someone way better who won't dump you over a text. How long did you guys go out that he doesn't even know how to spell your name.?

My boyfriend says he's taking a shoer but takes his phone to watch ****... when he comes out from his shower I'm all hott an ready but he goes straight to sleep :/

Are you trying to turn this into a "my bf is worse than urs!" thread?

No just puttin it out there that's guys can be total jerks