By Anonymous - 22/09/2010 07:47 - Venezuela

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me by spray-painting it on my locker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 006
You deserved it 3 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least now everyone knows you are available again.

Anti666 17

What an asshole. it's things like this that make me ashamed of being a guy.


christian50 0

haha your boyfriend or ex deserves a high five!

SkullCanddi 0
lindseytaylor201 0
Dideriksen 0

spray paint, "small Dick here" or something on his locker :b

jkgfdxb 0

today, out of rage and carelessness I vandilized school property in order to get a break up message across to my gf. now realizing what I had done I have to face punishments of some sort, FML.

hah lol lmfao !! get him back!! unless someone else did it,, that's what guys would do at my school,,

Total FYL. >.> ...Do you have pictures? [giggles hysterically]