By strictly cum prancing - 11/12/2015 19:48 - United States

Today, my boyfriend backed out on our date so he could help his best friend get ready for some kind of drag queen competition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 301
You deserved it 6 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should be happy that you have a boyfriend who is so supportive.

Do the date on another day, OP. Your BF is a good friend and you should value that on the guy you are with :)


neuronerd 28

He's an awesome friend. I competed in a small pageant recently, and it really hurt that one of my good friends didn't come to support me, because she had a movie night with her boyfriend. Your boyfriend's best friend needs his help and support. Besides, drag queen competitions are so fun, and you should have gone.

if it been because he wanted to play xbox or something fine but your boyfriend is awesome to support and help his friend shame on you op shame on you

Why aren't you helping his friend get ready too? that sounds like it would be more fun than most normal dates...

Nah honestly her boyfriend shouldn't double book. Her boyfriend is at fault any way you slice it.

How is he at fault for supporting his friend on something that isn't that easy to do? His friend needed someone to be there for him. They can go on a date anytime, but I doubt these competitions come around often and his buddy probably signed up last minute. And why didn't she go with? She could have gone and helped his friend get ready too and they could have turned it into a date! I've heard drag queen shows are hilarious. It could've been an awesome bonding experience and quite possibly one if the best dates they've ever had.

You can go on dates whenever. Your boyfriend is a good friend for helping him.

afisxfallxchild 9

So reschedule? He seems like a pretty good friend.

Aww you picked a winner! He sounds like a sweet man! I'm glad to see someone willing to support a friend's interest!

I'm on OP's side. If you have a prior commitment, you shouldn't blow it off. If he blew her off to drink beers with his buddy all of you would have had a different response.

Yeah, probably because going out drinking is a lot different from supporting his friend. It might've been last minute, as long as it's not all the time it's a bit bratty to throw a fit over ONE missed date when he was helping and supporting a friend.

Why would you not go help him do that?! It would have been funny as hell and you could probably do better makeup than your boyfriend