By Helpful Smile - 26/01/2016 02:56 - United States - Bettendorf

Today, my boss used our communal notebook to bitch out our entire department for not leaving a note notifying her that one of the machines was down. She wrote it on the same page as the note I left saying that one of the machines was down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 736
You deserved it 1 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time, leave post-its everywhere. On her chair, her desk, the office door, the mail box, everywhere. Make them neon coloured for bonus points.

Well, maybe she meant on the machine itself? Either way, she should have checked before blindly accusing you all.


Highlight the note you left, and next to it write a note pointing out when it was originally written

Draw an arrow from her comment to your note. Leave it at that. Don't sign or initial it, in case she is the type who attacks when they're shown to be wrong. Hopefully she'll develop some humility that way, and not see that bitching people out is an unprofitable strategy.