By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 14:13 - United Kingdom

Today, my boss texted me to say the office was closed because of the snow. I begged him to let me go in anyway because I had nothing to do all day. I have no life, friends or hobbies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 870
You deserved it 12 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You do have friends, you just haven't met them yet :)

Time to play World of Warcraft. LOL Why not start a hobby, watch some movies, or read a book?

distaylor122 1
nachosbabygurl 9

u need 2 get a hobby then find a friend with the same hobby get a bf. or FDA n get a life

So... what happened to family? O.o

Sadly, I know exactly how you feel. I did the same thing day after New Years Eve... F Our Lives

Llama24 14

Play a video game, those help me through my day when I have nothing to do.