By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 14:13 - United Kingdom

Today, my boss texted me to say the office was closed because of the snow. I begged him to let me go in anyway because I had nothing to do all day. I have no life, friends or hobbies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 870
You deserved it 12 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I feel very sad after reading this :( on the order of a few million times sadder than any other Fml post has made me. I'll be your friend

Malkria 1
BboyInspire 0

No life, friends, or hobbies? Three words...World of Warcraft.

blink831forever 13

I'm sorry OP. I'll be your friend.

NiknGbi 3

awe! no one should be alone n life. fb me. nikngbi

MustangMan29 13

get some fine ass kush and light it up