By Anonymous - 25/11/2015 13:37 - United States - Palmer

Today, my boss forced me to come into work despite having a bad cold. While waiting a table, I violently sneezed and sprayed a child's face with snot. His dad got so pissed that my boss had to pretend to fire me just to calm him down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 713
You deserved it 2 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's your boss's fault for forcing you. I guess he regretted his decision but hey at least he didn't fire you for reals, well I hope you get well soon


that is against the health code, you could report that manager to the county health inspector p.s. get well soon

Right? All I can think of is how op has now contaminated everything she touched, including all the plates that people just ate off of. How many people are now going to get sick because the boss called her in when she should've stayed home? I hate when people don't take other people's health into consideration. If you're sick, don't go into work, and if your employees are sick, don't force them to come in. Especially if it's a waitressing job and they're going to be touching and around food. The fact that op was around all the food that people just ate makes this so much more disturbing. I guarantee you that many people just got a cold because of op's boss' actions! *rant over*

userxfriendly 5

Are you sure he was pretending?

My one question is...why didn't you cover your mouth or turn away when you sneezed?

Hands full of stuff that would spill/fall and break if quickly turned, sneeze came on too quickly to have time to react, lots of reasons actually.

You've never had a sneeze sneak up on you before? Cause I have and I rarely can get my my face into my elbow before it goes. Not to mention if he was sick, his reactions were going to be a lot slower. And basically what the guy ahead of me said. ?

Shrug your shoulders and respond with "I tried to call in sick and you wouldn't let me." On second thought, you'd probably be fired for real that way. Or as soon as they had a technically legit reason.

I'm guessing you were carrying a tray and couldn't use your arms to cover your sneeze. I feel bad for that kid, that's pretty gross, but sneezing is a natural bodily function, and as long as you weren't carrying a nasty disease, the dad should have been more respectful towards it and maybe just taken a few apologies and a free drink. In the end though, it's your boss' fault for making you come in. Feel better!

Not have a nasty disease? That poor kid got snorted on by a sick person. If that were my kid I would be offended, and would now have to take care of a soon to be sick child.

Well at least he didn't actually fire u

dannidoll93 24

I'm sorry you feel sick and I'm really glad your boss didn't really sack you since it's his fault you were sneezing at work anyway... But did you not feel the need to put your hand over your mouth? F that kid's L!

ThePandoricaOpen 18

OP may not have been able to, the FML just says waiting a table, it doesn't say if they were taking an order or serving the food. if they were serving, their hands could have very well been covered with plates, have you not seen servers at some of restaurants? thwy don't all use those gigantic platters to carry orders.

even with a platter it's likely to fall everywhere if you don't set it down first and in a busy resteraunt where do you even have room?

Covering with a hand isn't any better. I don't want that hand touching my plate.

And putting your hand over your mouth wouldn't do anything for a sneeze anyways.

That just helps spread it even better. I thought people knew nowadays that isnt a good idea? Op probably had hands full with plates.

Queen_of_Night 20

Soo... You want a hand that has just been used to catch snot and saliva particles to touch the plate you are about to consume food on? Or silverware you are about to put in your mouth? Fun fact: Servers NEVER use their hands to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze. They are suppose to sneeze into the crook of their elbow, however that's not always possible.

brendejafulable 41