By unemployed - 21/05/2009 19:16 - United States

Today, my boss came storming towards me, screaming just how tired she is with my constant bullshit. Already pissed off, I retorted that she's a bitch and should go lose some pounds. Turns out she was talking to her husband on her bluetooth headset. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 767
You deserved it 77 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SomeGuy1234 0

That sounds like a perfectly reasonable, professional and level headed response.


that sucks, fyl. might want to pay closer attention to things though. :p

You should have pointed to you headset and ended with "Ok Mom!"

So today i was walking down the hall yelling at my husband over the phone right and one of the guys that worked for me said he hated me and that i was fat :(

hateevryone 14

Wow, Say you were talking to your imaginary ex boyfriend. Always works :)