By sam_666777 - 30/08/2014 02:54 - United States - Farmingdale

Today, my 8 year old son asked me why he had to make his bed everyday if he would just use it again. I replied with, "You flush the toilet even though you're going to use it again, right?" He said, "Good point." Now he's not making his bed or flushing the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 051
You deserved it 10 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time go with, "You eat even though you'll have to eat again, right?" That's how my mom handled that question. I still didn't make my bed, but at least I didn't starve myself.

ilytyvm 25

A for effort. It was a noble effort, OP.


Don't wash his dinner plates, after all you are going to eat again.

PoisonOrchid 21

You've got a smart kid. Hopefully, you can teach him to use his intelligence for something better than trying to manipulate the rules! But maybe try another approach like the dinner dishes that others have suggested or explaining that bugs can live in messy beds. Good luck, OP!

If he doesn't flush the toilet, it'll spill over and get poop on his feet. Something for him to consider.

I still believe that "Because I'm the parent and I said so" is a perfectly acceptable answer.

Nah, that just makes kids resent parents. It is the only option in some circumstances (mostly teen issues where they have to make their own mistakes) but it still hurts. It's best to actually communicate when possible.

Logic doesnt work for 8 yr old boys

Except, it obviously did. The problem is OP didn't actually provide a logical reason for making the bed.

Tell him if he doesn't do both you'll take every electronic away and ground him until he starts behaving correctly. He's old enough to not act stupid.

Just say "Why do I feed you if I know you are going to die anyways?" Hopefully that'll do it!

SuperMew 22

Do what my dad did. He said if we could not be trusted to take care of the bed, we could sleep on the couch. He made the bed, let us sleep on the couch for a week, and told us not to get eaten by the hall monster. Made my bed after that.