By Sadmom - 17/09/2009 23:58 - United States

Today, my 7 year old daughter decided to use my laptop without my permission. She accidentally got SpaghettiOs on the screen, then used the hard side of a sponge, filled with soapy water, to scrub both the keyboard and screen of my laptop to clean it off so Mommy wouldn't know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 611
You deserved it 5 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kellster 2

I guess you shouldn't have left it in her reach, or her unattended with it, if she couldn't be trusted to be obey you. I hope you're teaching her a lesson about honesty and obedience here! That said, sorry about your laptop. :/


And in instances like these, you spank your child. OR talk to them strictly and make sure they get it through their hard head to obey their parents.

Oopsie Poopsie. lol. My friend says that everytime something bad happens.

She 7 years old and already knows to cover up the evidence at a crime scene. Since your from Jersey, the kid has a promising future in politics or the mob. Or both.

Bob31_fml 4

Sounds like DD won't be getting an allowance for a long, long time. and #49 I love your ccomment ;)

sucks for you. but I would have to say YDI for not teaching your kid the value of stuff and that they should never use what's not theirs without permission.

Don't worry, just get the child back by having it walk in on you having sex with your husband/boyfriend/gigalo.

themixedt4pe 0

Seriously? Kids will be kids... they aren't mindless vessels, filled only with what their parents tell them. They have minds of their own. I bet after this whole mess the daughter will have learned her lesson though :/ Doesn't mean that the OP is a bad mother! Seriously, do you even have kids? Even if you do, you don't have any authority to tell the OP how to raise hers.

LOL! I'm going to do that to my FMLlettes.

ihatestupidppl 0

Gotta agree with all the posters saying the mom should have taught the kid better. I worked at a daycare, where there were computers in our classroom (with educational games and what not). The children were told several times that 1) they were to always ask permission to use the computers, and 2) food or drink are not permitted anywhere NEAR the computers. We never had a problem, and our kids were all between 4 and 5 years old, so OP's daughter was more than likely old enough to understand these concepts as well. Yeah kids will be kids, but kids can also be taught to respect their parents' wishes. And you don't even have to touch 'em! I was never hit/spanked/whatever, but I still knew better than to touch my parents' belongings without their permission.

YDI for not putting a password on the computer. My parents had a computer on ours and I couldn't get on without them typing it in for me.

killinmesmalls 0

Reason #547 why I don't want kids. **** that shit.