By Anonymous - 02/11/2011 20:18 - United States

Today, my 12 year-old daughter asked me where her scrotum is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 717
You deserved it 5 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i think it's time to give her the talk...

Mister_Triangle 21

"I already put it under the pillow for you, so that the Scrotum Fairy will visit and give you $10 if you never speak of this again"


If you are a regular reader of this website, and still have enough faith in the education system (USA or anywhere else for that matter) that you would entrust your almost teenage daughter's basic health knowledge to them, without any input from you, then yes that is lazy parenting. You are obviously not paying attention. I had good sex-ed at around age 11 or 12. I was also supplied good health books at home so that I could privately investigate anything I was unsure about on my own. That was really valuable. The fact that your poorly educated 12 year old coming to you with a question like that, is an FML but only as follows: 'I am not a very responsible or attentive parent FML'

Can I just say that I am sick of people saying the educational system is easy. I am currently at university working with some people who have been to university before and they agree that the educational sytem is in fact better than it used to be, it's just sadly some don't get to go to the better schools because of the scewed system. Not mention there are others who just don't actually listen and class, and what's wrong with asking? sometimes u might know but aren't sure

MalloryKnox 8

Tell her to check her purse.. or under the couch! That's where most of the stuff I can't find ends up

Shes 12 and no one has let her know these things? I mean really?

amanda_say_whutt 9

One time I asked my mom if I could suck her penis while she was eating a Popsicle. At the time I was told her penis was a Popsicle..

chels1994 11

I love how many people seem to think she is around the age of 16 or something.... she's 12, she will learn all of this...

you need to do the birds and bees talk. or wait a year for the school's version - that goes on and on and on, until senior year of high school... yeah, better get a jump on that.

43- you are a dumbass cause that's not what they're called. They're called testicles. The sack that holds them is the scrotum. Dip shit