By fckdorms - 09/05/2016 14:04 - United States - Columbia

Today, like every other day, my roommate's alarm began to go off at 7:30am. What time does she have to wake up? 10:00am. Why does she have her alarm go off for two and a half hours? Because last semester she needed it to go off then and she is too lazy to change it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 326
You deserved it 1 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

take room mates alarm set it for 11am see how long it then takes them to set it correctly

Too lazy to set the alarm later? This is a paradox


Pretty sure I'd be going over there and smashing it to pieces.

orangejubejube 20

I think an appropriate response would be to get one of those Screaming Mimi alarms and make it go off in the middle of the night until she gets the message of how annoying her alarm is.

Snickers4 16

Can someone give a **** about me? Lol

corky1992 33

My roommate last year would do the exact same thing only she would sleep right through her alarm going off or would hit snooze multiple times. The record for snooze hitting was 6:30am all the way up to when I left for class at 9 in 10 minute intervals. I just about lost my mind

Wow... That's a new level of laziness. If it really gets annoying, just change it yourself :)

Here is an idea, why don't you change it or make it disappear.

Cut the cord off of it. Don't tell her Let her be late and then she has to get a new one and she'll set it to the right time

hahahaha you think it's about laziness and you are right, but it's not the laziness of not changing the time on the alarm clock, she does it for the same reason I set mine to 4am even when I don't have to get up till 6, it's about her rem sleep phases, she would oversleep regularly if she didn't do it that way