By elsatheannoyed - 12/11/2014 04:34 - United States - Santa Clara

Today, like any other day since that stupid movie Frozen came out, people have been asking me if I want to build a snowman. My name is Elsa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 112
You deserved it 4 539

Same thing different taste


Whenever I meet someone new the first thing they say is "Oh Jasmine... Like Princess Jasmine, huh?" Yes. I was named after the princess on Aladdin. I'm well aware. Thank you for pointing it out yet again.

JukeboxValkyrie 19

If it makes you feel any better, my name is Arielle. Everyone always asks me if I'm a mermaid or they ask where flounder is. Regardless of the fact that my name isn't even spelled or pronounced the same as the mermaid.

wait. how IS your name pronounced if it isnt pronounced "air-ee-ull"? just curious. is it "R-ee-elle" or something different?

CaroAurelia 12

People think they're so original, when really you've heard the same damn thing probably three times THAT DAY ALONE. I'm a vegetarian named Caroline, so I either get the stupid "if you were trapped on a desert island with only meat" question or I get serenaded with Sweet Caroline (which is a good song but gets old when you get it sung to you on at least a weekly basis).

Yeah my little sisters name is Anna and everyone tells her, "go away Anna!" She's over it.

nikojhavlin 12

Im just gonna say, **** them. Ignore them or tell them to grow the **** up. I know what it feels like

by your user name im gonna assume its niko? if so you must get a lot of gta iv jokes. so do you wanna go bowling? ;)

show them your boobs and they'll stop talking.

OP, you've opened the floodgates. Seems brackish thus far.

Shit...I love the name Elsa but FYL ever since that film came out!

mansen 15

Feel you on that, all through elementary and high school I got to hear all the variations of McDonalds commercial songs, while I repeatedly pointed out my last name is MacDonald...there is a difference dammit!!!

Time to stop making stupid Disney movies famous.